I've used MKS RCS ( Which is adequate and does the job ) for windows and DOS. I currently use Microsoft SourceSafe ( Which is also adequate and does the job ) It's also very easy to setup and use, and it comes free with the Enterprise development environments. I prefer it to RCS. One problem we have had with SourceSafe is with corruption of the database over long periods - this _may_ be a consideration when choosing a source control system. ;-) My colleagues experiences with PVCS are that it is complex to set up and use, although it seems to have more facilities than SourceSafe. I've also seen a product demo'd called Continuus/CM from the Continuus Software Corporation which is expensive, but is on a different level altegether. It provides change management on a 'Fault' based or change basis - you change code against a 'Fault' or change request and when you release your final build, instead of releasing module1.c module2.c and module3.c, you release Faults 1 and 2, and the CM package works out which versions of the source to put into the released build. In large projects, this is an enormous help as your test team can test a version of the build with Faults a,b and c fixed, whilst the development team continue regardless. When release time comes, you know Faults a,b and c are fixed and tested and none of your renegade developers have slipped a couple of untested fixes in. Your final build becomes 1.x.x.x containing fixes a,b,c. Hope this helps Neil ---------- From: Lou Calkins Sent: 10 March 1998 13:52 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Revision Control I use PVCS under DOS (actually under the MKS Toolkit Korn shell under DOS). It is also usable under Windows, but it is not free. Mine is an old version, and now it is pretty expensive. If you like RCS, MKS has Source Integrity which is really their RCS product with a new name. I have not used it, but MKS makes some pretty good stuff and superb support if you pay for the service contract. >But seriously folks ... > >Does anybody here use revision control software. I have been using RCS, >one of the GNU utilities, for a long time and would not be without it or >smemthing equivlaent. Unfortunately it is a DOS based, command line >driven set of programs and evidently too complex for the younger members >of our company to grasp. Did I mention that it is a free program. > >One of my sons (A C programmer) works at a different where they use >something from Micro$oft that seems to the trick for them. I have >also heard of PVCS but don't know anything about it. > >Perhaps a few people would be willing to share their experiences. >