Hello Pic-Listers, Just now something strange happened to me, or rather to both 16C74A Pic's I've got here. Before today they worked fine. Programmed & erased them some times (about 2-3 times a day for 3 months, nothing special I think). But suddenly my programmer (PicStart+) told me that my Pic's where not empty. O.k I tought, lets erase them some more (50 minutes totally). Nothing changed, they still where not totally erased. O.k. , lets read and check them. To my surprise the first 0400 hex bytes where fine, the rest (from 0400 up) were Zero's. eehhmmm... That could be the Code-protect ! Let's check it ... No, its still Off, even after read-out of the Pic's memory. Now I'm baffeled, No Code-protect, Nothing strange in my program, but _BOTH_ my pic's showing this strange behavour. Anyone there who knows what happened here ? Greetz, Rudy Wieser P.s. My question allready found his way to MicroChip (Holland) and they asked me toe send them the Pic's, cause the didn't know what could be wrong either ..