This routine is pretty crude, but it's a starting point. RA0 will change state approx every second with a 4MHz crystal. list p=16f84,c=140 ; processor type ; TimerH equ 0ch TimerM equ 0dh TimerL equ 0eh PAData equ 0fh Status equ 03h PortA equ 05h rp0 equ 5h ; org 0h ; movlw 5h movwf TimerH clrf TimerM clrf TimerL clrf PAData bsf Status,rp0 clrf PortA ; all outputs bcf Status,rp0 clrf PortA ; Timer decfsz TimerL ; time wasting loop goto Timer decfsz TimerM goto Timer decfsz TimerH goto Timer ; movf PAData,w ; send new data to PortA movwf PortA xorlw 1h ; alternate bit 0 movwf PAData movlw 5h movwf TimerH goto Timer ; ; end PicNPoke Multimedia 16F84 Beginners PIC Tools. PicNPoke - PicNPlay - PicNPlan - PicNPrep - PicNPost Plus DT type saver. New addition - PicNPort I/O Tutor.