OK, I've declared it! The only relevance to PICs is that I *need* these machines working to be able to program PICs and the network is a tool to use my time sufficiently efficiently to do so! I used to use a DOS-based network to do this, but WIN95's support of DOS-level drivers is (better than WIN3.1 but) too poor to allow this to work reliably. So I installed TCP/IP but Microsoft Networks can't properly use this as a substrate, so I had to install NETBEUI as well. I now have two machines (and soon more) that won't auto-boot (which I need to run my packet radio, my FAX etc...) because of these two parasitic screens which pop up asking for a password (even though I've never given one) and then glibly informing me it can't find a DNS to look up the non-existent password. Does this strike a chord with you? More so, have you successfully fixed it? Please tell? I saw a recent comment *somewhere* about a WIN process launcher which zaps nasty question pop-ups but where would you insert it anyway? Some might say RTFM but ... this is Microslop! I thus pray to excuse such a "newbie of newbies" enquiry. I'll try not to do it again... In anticipation... Paul B.