I'm pretty new to this so bear with me. Here is a snippet of code that I have come up with to immulate the "SHIFTIN" function of the Basic Stamp 2 A professional opinion would be appreciated Routine follows: movlw 0x08 ; set for 8 bits movwf count clrf Byte_in ; set to all 0's clrc IN bsf clk ; set clock pin high nop ; may not need these nop ; don't want to over speed btfsc Data_pin ; Is bit 1 or 0 ? setc ; set carry if it is 1 rlf Byte_in ; MSB first, data in bcf clk ; clock low decfsz count ; done 8 bits ? goto IN ; no return It looks to me like it will work but I don't have the expertise. Of course the best would be just to burn it and test it. The problem is that I have so much more to test that I would like some code that works to cut down on my fumble fingered debugging ! Thanks in advance James