Hello; Right now, I am using pin RA1 for interrupt. It is programme to activate the interrupt routine on the raising edge. My program is written and I want to test it using the simulator. But I just can't seem to trigger the RA1 in , ie the interrupt routine in the simulator. Can anyone tell me how to write to RA1? I've initialize the PORTA using the below instructions; MOVLW B'00001101' ; Look up data sheet MOVWF INTSTA ; MOVLW B'11000000' ; Raising edge of RA0 & RA1 generates MOVWF T0STA ; interrupt Another thing is,in real application, after triggering the interrupt routine, which means that RA1 is detected high, can I read RA1 and returned to my main programme when RA1 is detected LOW? This is because I'm using another PIC, I'll call it PIC_A, to generate the interrupt routine on RA1. And after PIC_A has finnished reading the data from the previous PIC, it will put a LOW on RA1. Will this caused my previous PIC to return to my main program? Cheers. ---------------------- Teik Siong tsk196@soton.ac.uk