This is off the top of my head. If you want more details or it doesn't make sense email me. I'll post this reply to the list as it may be of general interest. There is a method which may be simpler than building a frequency counter per se with a PIC. Briefly, don't measure what the motor is doing - instead, tell the user what YOU are MAKING the motor do. Driving a stepper motor directly from a PIC is easy. You simply output each phase pattern in turn. For most steppers (eg unipolar units with 2 centre tapped coils) you need 4 PIC pins and there are 4 phase sequences for full stepping and 8 for half stepping. There are a number of circuits around for driving bipolar steppers and unipolar steppers are able to be driven with simple buffers directly by the PIC. Typical small 12 volt steppers draw around 150ma so you can drive them with simple octal buffer ics like the ULN2803. With 2 more pins you input up/down speed control directly to the PIC - you vary the delay between phase changes to vary speed. Now you don't have to MEASURE frequency of rotation as you are generating the frequency yourself - you simply have to convert the delay time to a frequency. This can be by division (f = 1/t) or by lookup table. If you are using the timer for phase change timing you will have ample time for calculations between changes but this task could be the main task with phase changes interrupt driven as the speed will not vary rapidly compared to phase changes. (At 2000 RPM a 1.8 degree stepper has a new phase change every 150 microseconds). Display could be via multiplexed LEDS or any of a number of LCD displays - there have been several discussions on driving LCDs on the list in the recent past. Total device is now: PIC, driver IC, Stepper motor, LCD display & a few buttons. Jameco have suitable stepper motors for $5-$10 US. regards Russell McMahon -----Original Message----- From: wayne galaugher To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Thursday, 5 March 1998 16:26 Subject: Optical Tachometer Most comments snipped. >I have designed an optical tachometer using a stepper motor with a >slotted wheel through which one can look and stobe rotating objects by >adjusting the rpm of the motor. >I need to design a 4 digit 7 >segment LED or LCD display to read the stepper motor pulses at 8 Hz. >We are only measuring RPM to 2000 RPM so the frequency is low. >Also, it would be nice to pulse the stepper motor chip with the PIC.