Hi everyone, I have finally found the time to build a pic programmer (actually I broke my foot and am stuck in bed for next 4 weeks) and am preparing the parts list. I washoping some of you might be able to answer a few questions for me. I'm preparing to build the david tait programmer, has anyone used a bread board and wire for this circuit, and are there any problems going this route over a pcb? Is there windows 95 software available for this programmer that works with no or little problems(I'm as new as can be to microprocessor programming) Is the best programmer to make, or is there a better one. Once again I'm using win 95. my first real project will need to count 1222 pulses and the amount of time it takes to get to each pulse and keep a total time as well, then it must perform some calculation mostly division. and store the data for possible upload to a pc. will the 16c84 be capable of these requirements, acuracy to the thousandth of a sec is required. I also plan on buyin' the ez pic n book, isthis a good book to use, any others besides the data books from microchip, got the whole set and the cd rom thanx, Oliver