On Wed, 4 Mar 1998 18:41:19 -0800 JScholz writes: >Hi All, >I recently received two 16c54s with an order from Digikey. Each one >had some of the configuration bits set according to my Picstart Plus. >(firmware ver 1.2 I think). I will have to send them back. > >Has anyone else experienced this problem? Am I doing something >wrong? The chips are marked: > > PIC16C54-XT/P and PIC16C54-XT/P > 9713CAW 9711CAW The -XT chips come from the factory with the oscillator configuration bits already set for XT mode (naturally). So don't send them back, they are exactly what you asked for. The other bits should be unprogrammed. Microchip used to set the oscillator bits as part of the final test. In later PICs, this appears to have become unnecessary so they are shipped unprogrammed. These PICs can be set to any oscillator type (subject to the speed rating). Since the RC oscillator mode has both oscillator bits unprogrammed, order -RC parts for complete blankness. You can set the oscillator to the mode desired, possibly saving a little money over buying one set for XT or HS. However, since the chip wasn't tested in these modes, Microchip won't guarantee that they will work in any mode other than RC. Experience shows that they do. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]