At 09:50 PM 2/26/98 GMT, Martin R. Green wrote: >Great, but I think the question really referred to the bit about "just >do the inverse". This doesn't make sense to me. The original >multiplication is the easy part. Regarding confusion over the original suggestion: >>Simple. To multiply by 3, double and add to original. To divide by 3, >>just do the inverse! So let's see... double and add to multiply by three, so the inverse is just subtract and divide by two.... Okay.... let's do six. 6-2=4, 4/2 = 2. Wow, it works! Now, to divide n by three, I just need to figure out a quick way to calculate the number to subtract from n, which is n/3..... - Rick "Math is hard" Dickinson +---------------------------------+---------------------------+ | Enterprise ArchiTechs Company |"You can't reason someone | | Lotus Certified Notes | out of a position they | | Appl. Design & Administration | didn't reason themselves | |(818)563-1061 | into" -- Rick Adams, | | | in alt.folklore.urban | +---------------------------------+---------------------------+