Michel, Linear Technology has an excellent application note in their 1993 "Linear Applications Handbook Volume II". This is AN47; "High Speed Amplifier Techniques. A designer's Companion for Wideband Circuitry". This covers a wealth of information including the "ABC's of Probes" contributed by Tektronix. One application is a 100Mhz servo controlled FET input amp with a 10M/3pf input and 100pa bias current. The example has a gain of 10. It's based on the LT1223 and is intended for probe and ATE pin amplifier applications as well as A/D buffers. After running several simulations using a variety of vendor SPICE models, I've decided on the above FET input amp using a MAX4100, LT1097, and FET. Depending on the load capacitance, the 1db bandwidth was 60 to 100Mhz. It's DC response was also very good. I'm using a 1M/20pf input impedance to support standard X10 probes. As far as the input attenuator, I'm leaning towards a divider and precision, low R-On, analog switches. I'm looking at several 8-10 Bit, 40-60MPS, A/Ds. This is on hold as I'm focusing on the logic analyzer right now. - Tom At 09:09 AM 3/3/98 -0500, you wrote: >Tom, >Timing IS everything!!!, I was just about to start such DSO project for >my own. Just bought myself a 100Msample/sec A/D. >I was planning to use some 256K high speed "cache" chips I've got in my >basement for sample storage. I am wondering how did you solve the >analog variable atenuator part of the DSO. I am not much into analog and >that is a bit of a problem for me. I would like it to be >fully controlled by the processor (not hardware switch or >potentiometer). Any good references ??? > >Michel Tremblay >Network specialist >Sidus Systems Inc. >mtremblay@montreal.sidus.ca