Richard Mansfield wrote: > > I am interested in knowing what changes to a piece of code need be > made when the code is written for a 16C54 but I want to program a > 16C84. > I have some code examples which I would like to convert from > 16C54 to 16C84 so I can use them. I would also like to do the opposite > (i.e. 16C84 to 16C54) > Any help would be grately appreciated, as I am relatively new > to the world of PIC's > > Thanks in advance > Richard Mansfield > r i c h - m a n s f i e l d @ g e o c i t i e s . c o m Richard, As I am somewhat of a newbie to it myself, my advise is limited, but I will warn you of this. The reset vectors are in two different locations. The 54 is at x1FF, and the 84 is at x000. Also, the 84 has and interrupt vector at x004. Other than that they should be pretty much plug and pray compatible. Tony Wulk