Several of us have discussed a PIC-based logic analyzer and/or Digital Storage Scope. I'm hoping we can share our work and make this a group effort. At my end, I've been busy working on low-level hardware functions. If you are working on such a project, and if it's not a commercial product, you might want to hold-off for awhile as I have some things to share. My goal is a 40Mhz logic analyzer that supports a DSO with a 20Mhz bandwidth and standard input impedance so that you can use normal scope probes. While I got `side-tracked' for awhile doing SPICE simulations on a variety of analog front-ends, I finally got back to the basics of the logic analyzer. I intend to provide the basic `hardware blocks'. Then I want to finalize the design specification and toss it up here. At that point, we can concentrate on software. Also, I expect this design to be fairly affordable. So far, it looks like the core hardware will be well under $100. This does not account for PC boards, packaging, or probes. My first hardware block is a 24-Bit Trigger Comparator with Bit-Enable (ie: "Don't Care" Bits). It uses an SPI-style serial interface to load the Bit-Enables and the Trigger Comparator Word. It also provides a Serial Data Output and an Enable Input to support expansion. The design is implemented in a Lattice Semiconductor ispLSI1016-80LJ CPLD using the Lattice ISP Synario v5.0 design environment. This device contains 2000 gates, 32 I/O Pins, 4 Dedicated Inputs, 3 Dedicated Clock Inputs, and 96 Registers. The device features +5V In-System-Programming. This version supports 80Mhz operation and comes in a 44 Pin PLCC package. It costs around $10. The archive includes both JEDEC and Lattice Bit Stream files for use with the free Lattice ISP Daisy Chain Download software. The interface is defined as follows: TC0 - TC23 = Trigger Comparator Word Inputs. SCLK = Serial Clock Input. Clocks on Rising edge. SDI = Serial Data Input. EQ = Trigger Comparator Word Output. High = True. SDO = Serial Data Output for Expansion. EN = Enable Input for Expansion. High = Enabled. *RESET = Active-Low Reset for the Shift Registers. From a software standpoint, you send 48 Bits (MSB-first). The first 24 Bits are the Bit-Enable Qualifiers. High = Enable. The next 24 Bits are the Trigger Compare Word Qualifiers. The *RESET is really not needed in this application. I've simulated the basic concept with Electronics Workbench v5.1. I've also simulated functional blocks under Synario using ABEL test vectors. Finally, I did a `static' test of the full version on a bread-board. I have not run a dynamic test at the specified 40Mhz though the worst case routing path is specified to 80Mhz (20ns). If your are interested in this project, you can download the archive from my web page at: The archive includes the following files: ReadMe.txt - Documentation TrigComp.dld - Bit Stream file for Daisy Chain Download Software TrigComp.jed - JEDEC file for third-party programmers PLCC44T.gif - Package Outline and Pin Descriptions For more information about Lattice Semiconductor's products and to download the free ISP Daisy Chain Download software, contact: If anyone uses this design, I would be interested in feedback. Thanks, - Tom