Unsubscribe messages of late: You will *NOT* be able to unsubscribe this list by sending a message like this to the list. You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF PICLIST" command to LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU. For those who have stated that they do not see their own messages: If you do not trust the system, send a "SET PICLIST REPRO" command and LISTSERV will send you a copy of your own messages, so that you can see that the message was distributed and did not get damaged on the way. After a while you may find that this is getting annoying, especially if your mail program does not tell you that the message is from you when it informs you that new mail has arrived from PICLIST. If you send a "SET PICLIST ACK NOREPRO" command, LISTSERV will mail you a short acknowledgement instead, which will look different in your mailbox directory. With most mail programs you will know immediately that this is an acknowledgement you can read later. Finally, you can turn off acknowledgements completely with "SET PICLIST NOACK NOREPRO". PLEASE remember that these are COMMANDS and *MUST* be sent to LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU. Please do *NOT* send these commands to "PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU". Rich At 08:07 AM 3/2/98 -0800, you wrote: >UNSUBCRIBE > > ========================================= = Abolish the Income Tax! Fire the IRS! = = http://www.nrst.org/ = =========================================