[] > BUT WHEN THEY ADVERTISE IT OR PUT LINKS TO IT WHERE THEY ARE NOT SOLICITED OR [] > WANTED THEY SHOULD BE DEALT WITH SEVERELY. Personally I get no more than 3-4 unsolicited "spam" e-mails per day. The number of off-topic messages on this mailing list is much greater than that, and the off-topic messages are also even less interesting than what the spam usually is. I therefore think that people like you are ten times as much of a problem as the spammers are (but both are of course problems). [] > like these and ESPECIALLY ON YOUTH ORIENTED NEWS GROUPS AND ANY THAT DO NOT [] > PERTAIN TO PORN. The nature of the problem is obviously that the unsolicited messages take up space, makes the user think he got an interesting personal mail when it in fact shows to be bulk mail, and that he needs to press "delete" an undesired number of times per day. Not that porn is dangerous if "youth" sees it. [] > I would appreciate comments or suggestions on how to stop these indivi dual be [] > sent to me privately and not on the piclist. Why not go one step further - don't just attack spam, but attack everything that is bad for the same reason as spam is bad. I.e. people's tendency of writing uninteresting messages and sending it to recipients who are not interested. Profit is one reason that people send unwanted messages to others, but ignorance is a far more common cause of sending messages which are of no interest to the recipient. Finally, who is the list manager, and would he please unsubscribe me manually from this unsubscribable mailing list? (I'm subscribed as glenn@tripnet.se)