Il 27-Feb-98, Shahid Sheikh scrisse: > A few things that I'm not clear on. First of all, under section 2.2 "Programming Pulse Width" it recommends a programming pulse width of 100 us. However, in the timing diagram they have used a 100 ns pulse. Should that be a 100 us pulse in the timing diagram? A programming pulse is defined as the time between the begin programming and the end programming command... were you've got that 100ns value? > Next, under section, it says in bold letters "A load data command must be given before every begin programming command". So if I understand this correctly, after I'm done loading the data, I have to send a begin programming command to actually program that memory location? Do I have to issue a programming The procedure is: 1) Load Data 2) Program pulse 3) increment Address 4) goto 1) A program pulse is: 1) Begin programming 2) Wait n uS 3) End programming command after every load data command before I increment the address or do I load all the data for all the locations and then issue the begin programming command. This doesn't make any sense. It would be a lot more logical to issue the begin programming command BEFORE issuing the load data command and not the other way No.. the load data latches the data in memory and the begin programming command will effectively store it... every programmable device as a system like this.. firs load and then program. around like the specs specify. Then once all the locations are programmed, issue the end programming command. Also, I'm not sure if I understand the definition of "programming pulse" in that section. Are they saying that I have to issue the End Programming command after 100us of issuing a Begin Programming command? Again, this doesn't make any sense. Maybe I'm not reading it correctly. Can someone please explain. You've probably readed it too fast... a programming data sheet should be readed carefully.... anyway, if you've readed this message carefully you've already got the definition of "programming pulse" :-) > Then in the second table of Table 5.1shouldn't P5 and P6 be in ms like the timing diagrams show? Also Note 2 is in contradiction to the conditions specified under 2.1.1 of the document. Figure 5-1 is wrong.. the correct unit is uSec I think chapter 2.1.1 is the correct one...someone confirm this?