At 09:39 PM 2/26/98 PST, you wrote: >I am sorry but I just can't stand this anymore and I'm going to put my >2 1/2 cents in on the subject of Microchip, their dealers, and the >"lost" cd roms. I do not under any circumstance give any credibillity to >the blatant excuse, it's not Microchips fault, it's the dealers. Who >hires or authorizes these dealers anyway? Microchip. I place the blame >squarely on Microchip and NOT ON THE DEALERS. For the most part these >are independent businesses dealing in a number of products. Microchip is >surely just one line they handle. If we as customers don't get >satisfaction in getting a product then we need to let Microchip know. >It's up to Microchip to decide if they want to keep the dealer. I sold >capital equipment for years for companies like N.V. Philips, equipment >costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. If one customer called me and >said they had a problem with some truck line not getting their equipment >to them I didn't blame the truck line. I found the equipment first, then >found another truck line. As long as people continue to do business with >Microchip and blame the "dealers" then we have no one to blame but >ourselves for shoddy service. Microchip has the choice to place their >dealerships with whomever they so desire, and if they want to keep >giving their dealership business to someplace that doesn't give a rip >about their customers then that is Microchip's decision on how they want >to do business. Frankly, after reading this thread you bet I will be >looking very strongly at Panasonic or any other source for parts and >supplies. If Microchip loses enough business then they can either change >their business practice, or go out of business. We vote with our >dollars. > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > Amen. However, judging from Microchip's recent email response on the list, it seems as though they are taking responsiblity, and doing something about it. They request that anyone who wants one of the CDs should contact them again and they will ship direct from the factory. I re-ordered mine just as they said and I am now waiting to see it they are sincere in what they said. Sean +--------------------------------+ | Sean Breheny | | Amateur Radio Callsign: KA3YXM | | Electrical Engineering Student | +--------------------------------+ Fight injustice, please look at Personal page: Phone(USA): (607) 253-0315