At 07:50 PM 2/25/98 -0500, you wrote: >There is a very easy and common way to do this quite cheaply. It involves >four 1N914 or 1N4148 diodes (regular silicon switching diodes). >Sean Not at 900 MHz. I've been able to hit 400 MHz with some point contact diodes, but they are on the way down by then. I've had real trouble getting above 300 MHz with 1N914 or 1N4148 (or any others such as the 1N4001-1N4007 which people say act like PIN diodes) diodes. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the on/off ratios are always poor at the higher frequencies. How about using one of the diode RF switches that are designed for this use? Mini-Circuits has tons of them. A lot of other people make them as well. Has anyone with the test equipment to find out tried any of the more common diodes at 900 MHz? I know a lot more of us are going to be working there soon. :-) Wynn Rostek WB4ZUY