After serveral trys to implement a 4 bit Interface to an HD44780 driven 2 x 16 LCD display I desperately seek some help. I tried to use the code snippet Dave Duley posted some time ago. Unfortunately it just did not work. Perhaps I failed, because the source covered only the used functions and no main program... The Microchip AN 587 example code uses a 16c5x device. As the only Pic Controller I have here is a 16c84 I ran into serious problems because i do not know all the registers and ports they use. I am not sure in what order I should connect the RB lines to the Display and if I should use rb0-rb3 or rb4-rb7 as data lines. I tried Myke Predkos Thermo5 Basic Example which worked fine, but is an 8 bit interface without usage of the LCD R/W line. Thanks for any help Ralf