Mike wrote: > I know this has been talked about recently, but I've tried all the > suggestions and still can't get my PIC START to talk with my PC. Here is > what I have done so far, and maybe someone can tell me what I haven't done > yet to get my PC and programmer talking with each other. (NOTE: I have > tried this on a 486 PC running windows 95, and a 386 running windows 3.11, > but neither will talk with the programmer. I'm wondering if maybe the > programmer is faulty.) > > 1. Started MPlab with mouse still connected to com 1. > 2. Disconnected mouse and connected programmer cable to com 1. > 3. Turned power on to programmer--the programmer power light came on. > 4. Tried to "enable programmer" but got a failure message saying can't open > communications with programmer. > 5. I ensured that the "commport=1" was in my ".ini" file. > 6. I set up the comm port at 19200 baud per the release notes...tried 9600 > also which is my default setting--still no luck with either setting. > 7. Disabled the FIFO for the port. > 8. Tried using the alternate "mpplus.dll" from microchip--this caused the > 486 PC to not allow me to open MPLab--got an error message about the BWCC > file being old. I get this same message when I try to open an ASM file from > file manager/explorer, so not sure if this is a valid error or not. The 386 > would let me open MPlab, but still no comm with programmer. > 9. Checked the system.ini to ensure I had the proper com.drv installed for > this version of MPlab (3.10.00) and PIC START (1.21.00). > 10. Since I have tried this on two different PC's, and loaded the 486 from > CD-ROM and the 386 from disks (3.5"), I assume that the software is not at > fault. > > Since I bought this from Digi-Key, I hate to send it back as they won't have > any means to check it, only replace it or refund my money. I want the > programmer, but would like to get it working and not just get my money back. > > Any ideas or suggestions from anyone??? Even with the new PS+ driver for MPLAB, I also get the occasional comms failure with my PS+. What usually saves the day, is the following : Open up a Telix session on the comm port you have your PS+ on 9600 baud. Type a few characters. If your PS+ works, you should get some garbage back. Close the Telixs session and try to enable the PS+ again. (If you don't get anything back, fiddle with your power and RS232 cables until you do.) I think Mchip screwed up on the comms routines in MPLAB, or in the PS+, or both. With the current rate of updates, you shouldn't hold your breath for a real fix soon... -- Friendly Regards Tjaart van der Walt mailto:tjaart@wasp.co.za _____________________________________________________________ | WASP International http://www.wasp.co.za/~tjaart/index.html | | R&D Engineer : GSM peripheral services development | | Vehicle tracking | Telemetry systems | GSM data transfer | | Voice : +27-(0)11-622-8686 | Fax : +27-(0)11-622-8973 | | WGS-84 : 26¡10.52'S 28¡06.19'E | |_____________________________________________________________|