I have recently found in my local electronics shop a very good example of practical pic'n They now stock programable rf remote control transmiters (the type used for car locking/ alarm setting/ garage door openers) They use a 16c54 and an seeprom to store the codes. At the shop they have a programing box that you place the remote to be copied on to then you press the button(s) and it displays the rf frequencyand memorises the code(s). Then the code(s up to four) is downloaded into the programmable remote via a six pin plug (rb4/7,gnd,seeprom)and then the frequency is adjusted manualy via a trimmer The code protection system is also very effective if not old fashioned It based on selling the product at a reasonable price($14 retail) thereby cutting the vast profits that can be made on copying some products Peter Cousens email: peter@cousens.her.forthnet.gr phone: + 3081 324450, 380534 snailmail: Folia, Agia Fotini, Karteros, Heraklion Crete, Greece.