You guys really take this stuff seriously don't you!! Loosen up and have a laugh once in a while. I use DOS/Win3.1/Win95 and I'm sure I'll use Win98 shortly. After adapting to the quirks of each I thank Bill and his merry men at Microsoft for a pleasant desktop solution to my needs. ........but if you can't have a laugh at the guys expense what can you do? : )) keep on stamp'n and pic'n Jamen Porteus Darryl Newberry wrote: > At 09:44 2/23/98 -0500, you wrote: > >I'm not trying to stifle discourse, but just realize that when you > use > >powerful e-mail to pass along the latest "innocent" funny that you > are > >wittingly or unwittingly participating in an effective advertising > >campaign. > > > >IMHO, Tom > > Loosen up, Tom. Do you realize that even by writing what you wrote, > you are > also participating in "effective advertising"? ;-) > > I recall someone once saying "There is no such thing as bad > publicity". > > Personally, I dis- and mis-trust all government and big corporations, > but > especially that which blatantly attempts to quash competition through > negative advertising and dissemination of partial and misinformation. > Or, > in the case of government, through lobbyist-influenced legislative > meddling. Come to think of it, this includes basically all government > and > large corporate interests. > > In plain english, I detest hype in all its forms. Ergo, I detest much > of > what Microsoft puts forth, i.e. Active, Direct, MFC, X. Sun and their > Java-bloat crap is just as hype-filled, and just as unpalatable to me. > > Distasteful as it may be, we pretty much have to at least understand > it for > what it is and work with it if required. > > But, back to the [OT] topic. Bill Gates is no more greedy or sinister > than > the robber barons of the past--Sinclair, Mellon, etc. This is not > necessarily a bad thing. Consider the pre-1974 AT&T/Bell System. Yes, > it > was a monopoly, but it promoted standardization, universal > penetration, and > balanced technological growth, while maintaining very high quality of > service. Without invention, greed, and free markets, and yes, even > sometimes the resulting monopolies, we would likely still be counting > stones and hunting our food with spears. > > So let's quit picking on Bill Gates. Besides, if he gets too > megalomaniacal > you can bet that the Justice Department will get ugly. Remember, Ma > Bell > eventually lost. > > -dn