I am planning to build a controller for a ceramic kiln. I try to convert thermocouple mV with a TL501 dual slope converter that has an accuracy of 0,05% FS. This converter is usually combined with and controlled by a TL503 digital processor to obtain 41/2 digit BCD data. Is there any experience (and code) for the control of this type of A/D converters with PIC microcontrollers? Leo van Loon SBB simpeltronics Netherlands tel +31 (0481) 450034 fax+31 (0481) 450051 mail sbb.simpeltron@tip.nl url http://www.sbb-simpeltron.nl SBB simpeltronics ontwikkelt technische projecten voor basisschool en basisvorming. SBB simpeltronics develops technical projects for children in primairy and secondairy education.