So Bill Gates dies. St. Peter meets him at the gate and says, "Bill Nice to see ya, but you pose a real tough problem for me. You see you really done good with that DOS thing; you helped all these people on earth talk to each other. It made Earth a smaller place and promoted brotherhood. That's good; but on the other hand, you started getting greedy before you died and started stomping on all those creative programmers. I don't know what to do with you. For the first time in my career I'm gonna let you chose where to go." Well Bill wasn't born yesterday. He says,"I'd like to preview both heaven and hell before I chose." "Fair enough. Where would you like to go first?" "Let me get the worst over. Send me to hell." POOF Bill finds himself in hell, only its not so bad. Sandy beaches, clear water, blue sky. Temperatures greats. "Well if this is hell, I can't wait to heaven" POOF Bill's up in heaven. Angels floating around, playing harps. Very etherial, quiet, and pleasant. St. Pete says, "Well Bill What do ya think?" "Don't take no offense, heavens nice, but hell is just perfect." POOF A year later St. Pete drops by to see how things are going. Bill's chained to the wall in a cavern. Sulpherous odors, hell fire and brimstone everywhere. "Well Bill how's it going?" St. Pete asked. "St. Pete what did you do to me? What happened to the version I saw when I first got down here?" pleaded Bill. "Oh, that was hell 3.1, we had hell 95 installed just for you."