Ahh SHIT! I cant beleive that. Yea NOW I see it. What the hell. I called ITU and ask them and he didnt say anything about that! Looks like tomorrow morning I will be running to Radio shack to get an 8pin socket! THANKS!!!! -Joe At 08:08 PM 2/21/98 PST, you wrote: >Joe > >Did you look at the read me file on the disk? Here is what they say >about PIC12C5XX devices. By 18 pin connector I assume you mean the 18 >pin socket... right? > > >Adapters for 12C5xx Support >--------------------------- >You can purchase a completed adapter directly from us($19), or you may >choose to wire an adapter yourself. This is very easy via the >connection of the five pin header on the PIC-1. Simply connect an 8 pin >socket to the header in this fashion: > > PIC-1 Adapter > header 8 pin socket > GND 1 ------------------> pin 8 > Vpp 2 ------------------> pin 4 > Vdd 3 ------------------> pin 1 > CLK 4 ------------------> pin 6 > DTA 5 ------------------> pin 7 > >All cable lead lengths should be kept under 6" for best performance. > > >Some notes on 12C programming >----------------------------- >Care must be taken when erasing /JW 12C devices since this will erase >the calibration constant from the device. When receiving a new 12C >device, we recommend that the contents of the device be read and saved >into a permanent file. After this, you may program the device normally. >When you need to erase the device, program the device with the permanent >file you created. You may then program the device again with your >program file. This will eliminate any chance of losing your calibration >constant and keep your internal oscillator running at the proper speed. > > >My question is... how do you know you fried pics if you havent >programmed one succesfully yet? The old magic smoke? > >Hope this helps. > >Charles > >>From: Joe >>Subject: Pic-1 Programmer from ITU need help >>To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >> >>I need help. I purchased a Pic-1 Programmer from ITU Technologies. >This >>unit >>is supposed to be able to program 12C508 Chips. I have tried several >times. >>I think I nuked 5 chips so far. The schematics Title is: PIC16C6x/7x, >84 >>Programmer. Yet the manual says it supports the 12C508 chips. I >called ITU >>to make sure I was putting the chip in write. It has an 18pin >connector. I >>just put the 8pin all the way to the right side where pin 1 meets pin1 >on the >>12c508 chip. Still didnt work. Im wondering if the hookup is >different. >>Since that connector is an 18pin connector. Any help on this would >GREATLY >>be >>appreciated. >> >>ITU Web Page: www.itutech.com >> >> >>Please EMAIL me: hellfire@wwti.com >> >>Thank You >> >> > > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com > >