Hello! The following is a snip of a PicBasic program which reads 2 A/D channels (LTC1298) and is suppose to display them independently on a bargraph. The problem is when I call for the "test_zero" display, the bargraph will read either both A/D channels. They are not isolated. When I get the channel 0 A/D value I copy it to the "test_zero" register. When I get the channel 1 A/D value I copy it to the "test_one" register. When I attempt to display channel 1, channel 0 will also display. I only want to display one A/D result at a time. Do I need a delay before getting the next channel? The AD register is 16bit. I only need to display 8 bit so I wrote let test_zero = AD/16, where test_zero is a 8 bit register. Can I do that? I am sure I am missing something simple. Please have a looksee. I have a code snip to not bore you with other details. main: gosub GetAD ' Get test0 amd test1 A/D sample gosub show ' Display fuel sample on bargraph goto main show: let dispVal=test_zero/32 '8 bit result lookup dispVal,(64,96,112,120,124,126,127,255),bargraph gosub MaxDisplay return GetAD: let ADch = 0 ' Toggle between input channels. gosub Convert ' Get data from ADC. let test_zero = AD/16 ' AD to 8 bit 0-255 and store AD resul t let ADch = 1 ' Change input channels. gosub Convert ' Get data from ADC. let test_one = AD/16 ' AD to 8 bit 0-255 and store AD result return