Neil, I'm working on a water pond with a waterfall. I want the pump to run off of batteries charged by 12VDC as well as a solar panel. I have decided on sealed lead-acid batteries. While this is still very preliminary, I'll be using a PIC for control. I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions about PWM control later this spring. I'll be glad to share my work. - Tom At 01:32 PM 2/16/98 -0500, you wrote: >This summer I'm going to be working on a project with a multi-drop >network of PICs connected to a Linux box. The network cable will >be about 75 long. Some of the devices will be out in a garden shed and >I would like to power them off a Ni-Cad battery/Solar battery >combination >I'm wondering if a switcher setup would be more effecient (I'm worried >about the Ni-Cad). Any comments, ideas, pointers (I love pointers :-} )? > >I'm also looking for easy to find parts (1sy-2sy) and this is a hobby >project. > >Thank you. > >-- >Neil Cherry > >