Now that's a pretty interesting idea! Need to use an isolation transformer, though. I am looking for a simple converter I could run of a battery. I looked at SIPEX chips but I didn't feel like sourcing them for just a couple of pieces plus they're SOIC only for all I can see. > The cheapest and dirtiest way to do it is with AC out of the wall, either > 110 or 220 volts. Use a resistor to limit the current! I do not remember > the values I have used, but 100k ohms when running from 110 volts will not > get you into any trouble, and decrease the resistor to increase brightness > to the point that the backlighting burns out, then increase the resistir > value and start with a new backlight module :-) I seem to recall 1k ohms > was the value at which death of the module started.