David, I had the same problem with mplab 3.30 about a month ago. Even when I was sure that the internal MCLR was enabled, simulating with a 0 on GP3 would put it in reset. ( I assumed it was reset as PC = 1FF as you say) Since it was a panic day, I just assumed mplab had a bug, removed that part of simulation, and blew a chip to test it instead. (which worked as expected). Sorry I haven't got a solution, but at least you know it's not just you... Steve Lawther ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: MPLAB not MPASM Author: MIME:sprenkle@BUSPROD.COM at INTERNET-HUSKY Date: 16/02/98 12:47 I reread my message about MPASM. It is MPLAB that I am referring to and it is the simulator that is giving me problems. Also the PC stays at 01FF not FF. I am using the 12C508 for the processor. I am trying to debug a program by stepping through it using the simulator. Like I said changing the input on pin GP3 to 0 using the Modify dialog box or simulator stimulus file make the simulator stay at the 01FF address. I am having the problem no matter what .asm file I use. -- David