Julio, i didn4t find the source code, where it is? Stefan -----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht----- Von: JULIO CARBALLO An: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Datum: Freitag, 13. Februar 1998 12:32 Betreff: Re: Re[2]: PIC as 50 MHz Frequency Counter (was: "Re: Morse keye hi steve the code frecuecy couter if avaible all data for pics souce asm in site ftp://ftp.gernsback.com/pub/EN/ inside file all data ok my frends julio carballo [[ FREQCNT.ZIP : 1025 in WINMAIL.DAT ]] Howdy, The 50 MHZ Frequency Counter using PICs has been available as a kit for several years. Please see the following URL: http://www.infinet.com/~dhoehnen/weeder/wtcnt-k.htm This circuit was described in Popular Electronics several years ago. (Nov. 1994, Cover Story - pg.33 Build a 50-MHz Frequency Counter by Terry Weeder) I do not remember if the source code was presented or not. I may have clipped out the article for my files, if your local library does not have it. ----- Steve