First thanks for all the info for accessing text string, it seems there is no easy way to do it. I now have another problem I am using a 16c74 and have got to send the data from the A/D down the serial port. I now want to do is to send it commands (from a PC) and for the program the to act on those commands. The first thing I have tried is to get the program it to echo back what has been sent down the serial line, but I cant get this to work! The program sends data perfectly what I cant seem to get it to do is to recieve a byte and then send it back. I have included part of the code below, I know I am not checking for errors but I just want to keep it simple to start with ( maybe I cant..). If there are some obvious errors please show me.... My 3 main question are 1) Do I check the RCIF bit to see if data is in the RCREG, or is there another way? 2) Do I have to do anything else to read the RCREG, do I need to clear it after wards? 3) Does anyone have a example bit of working code I could try!! All help gratefully received. Thanks Mike Barrett ; start of code to echo back data from RX port to TX port ; data is 1 ascii character CALL SERIAL_SETUP A1 ;START HERE BTFSS PIR1,RCIF ; SEE IF DATA IN BUFFER, SET IF DATA GOTO NO_DATA MOVF RCREG,W ; MOVE DATA INTO W MOVWF TX_CHAR call serial_send ; byte in TX_CHAR this sub works NO_DATA GOTO A1 ; RETURN TO START OF LOOP ; ; SETUP SERIAL PORT AND BAUD RATE ; SERIAL_SETUP BSF RCSTA,SPEN ; ENABLE RC6,RC7 SERIAL COMMUNICTION BSF RCSTA,RX9 ; SET FOR 9 BIT RX DATA BSF RCSTA,CREN ; ENABLE RX BCF STATUS,BIT6 ; BANK 1 BSF STATUS,BIT5 ; SETUP FOR MEMORY BANK BSF TXSTA,TXEN ; ENABLE TX BSF TXSTA,TX9 ; SET TX LENGTH TO 9 BITS BCF TXSTA,TX9D ; 9 BIT SET LOW BCF TXSTA,BRGH ; SET BAUD RATE low MOVLW H'0C' ; 12 BAUD RATE FOR 4800 MOVWF SPBRG ; MOVE TO BAUD RATE GENERATOR BCF TXSTA,SYNC ; SET SYNC TO ASYNCHRONOUS MODE BCF STATUS,BIT6 ; BANK 0 BCF STATUS,BIT5 ; SETUP FOR MEMORY BANK RETURN ============================================= Mike Barrett E-mail: Schlumberger Cambridge Research Phone: 01223 325200 High Cross, Cambridge, CB3 OEL. U.K Fax: 01223 327019 =============================================