Tim, I haven't heard anything, but my own use of the 'Count remain' and 'count per deg C' bytes has shown one oddity:- Although the Dallas block diagram shows the main temp counter increasing when count remain = 0, checking the raw data out shows that you can have 0 as a count remaining. Also you can have the value of 'Count per deg C' as 'count remaining' ie if Count per degree C = 4a hex Count remaining can be 0 to 4a hex INCLUSIVE therefore using the equation (Count per degree C - Count remain) / Count per degree C can equal 0.000 to 1.000 inclusive. If you code assumes it is always going to be 0.999 or less, it'll get upset once in a while (probably showing a jump of a degree sometimes)! Hope this helps Steve Lawther ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: DS 1820 Silicon Problems ? Author: MIME:paul@SYMPAC.COM.AU at INTERNET-HUSKY Date: 11/02/98 13:56 I have heard somewhere that the Dallas DS 1820 has a problems in high resolution temp mode (using counters for higher resolution) We occasionally seem to get incorrect temp readings but with correct DOW CRC. Has anyone heard of the problem or know of a solution ? Tim Modra: tim@modra.com.au Modra Technology: http://www.modra.com.au Custom Sensors and Embedded Control