Charles, I've looked at the hot-film sensor and others where one transistor is held at a constant temperature and the other senses the ambient air. These are variations of a `Hot Wire' sensor. They are not really suited to the rugged environment of an anemometer in a weather station. They are normally used to measure air-flow in a controlled environment (ie: air duct). - Tom At 06:15 AM 2/10/98 PST, you wrote: >Hi Tom > >Out of curiosity... have you tried the solid state wind speed sensor >which appeared in (the latest?) electronics now? I don't have the mag >here with me but I figure someone must have tried this. What type of >accracy can one expect? > >Your post was very interesting and also very encouraging for anyone >looking to make their own station. > >Charles > > > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > >