Hello Don. I am just working on a FAX order to send you. Not sure whether to order a couple of ATMEL kits into the bargain. I haven't read the appnotes yet to know exactly how the business of using two DT104 boards to program the chips works, but gather it relates to serial programming and is an alternative to using J5 connected to the parallel port of a PC. I gather also that you could use a PIC board to do the programming! My main conundrum is if I get one (or even two) DT104 boards, which chip do I go for? It's really just for fun rather than a specific application. Maybe that describes just about how far you have got with them too! Am I to gather that all four chips you offer will program with the same programmer system (either another DT104 or parallel port cable)? I gather the 90S1200 is its own machine and the 89C2051 thinks it's an 8051 of sorts. What then are the 89C51 and 52? OK, obviously they too think they're standard 8051/8052 devices. Your prices on them are all so close one might just tend to go for the biggest! What on earth is an AVR, particularly compared to a non-AVR? Hmmm. OK, so I have just looked more closely at the ATMEL site and it appears this refers to a "90 series" device, so only the 90S1200 qualifies so far. Does this mean then that the 90S1200 runs at the reputed one cycle per clock and the others don't; are much slower? Must say it's *lovely* to have a decent pentium running and a 33.4 modem (it was half the price of a 56K Flex and I *don't* trust them on the basis of all I've heard!). I was reluctant to browse or download too seriously for some time, but now have shelled out $30 for a month's ISP subscription; 4 hours per day and up to 100Mbyte for the month. It's all a bit confusing yet; maybe I'll pass on those things for now! Oh dear, I suspect I am rambling. Time for bed. See what you can make of all this by all means, and I hope to get the order off tomorrow so maybe I'll have the stuff ready for the other guys next week. Cheers, Paul B. P.S.: Your link to me noted. I'll have to do some (lots!) more work on my site!