I'm sure you ICE users have all had the problem where software works on the emulator but doesn't work on the real thing. We have been writing HDX serial for the 73a and got it to the stage where we thought we sould try burning a chip. It's probably software related, but we can exchange the emulator and burned chip and get very different results. The serial stuff 'sort of' works, we are doing CRC error checking and get many more CRC errors with the PIC. Just in case there's a 'gotcha' which we havn't heard of, we are using RICE 16/17, CCS C compiler, 16c73a at 10 Mhz and 57600 baud. We are using the CCS serial routines to build a HDX protocol. A PC is currently the host, and by swapping ICE and 73a we think this is not the problem. With the emulator we are using the external crystal (10 Mhz on target) Any thoughts ? Tim Modra: tim@modra.com.au Modra Technology: http://www.modra.com.au Custom Sensors and Embedded Control