Fellow PIC listers and lurkers: This week's EE Times featured an article announcing Microchips's new PIC 16C1xx line. Judging from the specs, it's a hot little number. It's got a 21-bit program counter, 32 level call stack, hardware support for tables in code space, up to 32k ram, single-cycle 8x8 multiply, can run from external program memory, etc. Instruction-compatible with 16Cxx. Instructions execute in 1 cycle, meaning parts are 4x faster with the same crystal. Ooooooh, I'm getting all excited just thinking about it. The parts are supposed to sample 3rd quarter 98, production by 4th quarter. Ranging in price from $6.50 to around $14.00 in 1000s. Anyone here know about this yet? When will emulator and C compiler support be available? -dn