At 08:35 AM 2/10/98 -0700, you wrote: > And don't forget that the sqrt routine chews up 3,000 some odd cycles, > for a poor aproximation, when the exact result can be gotten in less than > 200 cycles. > >> [...] > BTW, I'm just curious, what method do most sqrt routenes use? I once wrote a very small QBASIC program just for the heck of it that calculated sqrt using newton's method on the equation x^2 = c where c was the input and the newton's method result for x was the output. It converged to a VERY accurate result in only a few loops. I know that QBASIC is quite different from assembler, of course, but the same basic algorithim can be used as long as you have access to a division routene. Another method which is a bit more primitive but is bascially the same thing is the Heron (sp?) of Alexandria's method. I have never tried it, but I think it executes in roughly the same amount of time. Sean +--------------------------------+ | Sean Breheny | | Amateur Radio Callsign: KA3YXM | | Electrical Engineering Student | +--------------------------------+ Fight injustice, please look at Personal page: Phone(USA): (607) 253-0315