I bought the $99 starter kit for 1.5M design work. Taking it out of the box was the easy part. It has been a multi-week ordeal getting USB to run on the PC. First I bought a new PC. Then I discovered that the USB port was not acknowledged by '95 (must be the OEM version 2.1+USB). So I found that I needed a handful of BIOS updates and patches and drivers and PHD's. 10 hours later '95 no longer boots. I have the Beta for '98 on my desk, and I am tempted to load it up. Chances are the MB still won't give me a valid port to address. The big thing going through my head is, if it is this hard for me, how hard will it be for customers? Will it be a good 20 or 30 years before everyone has working USB ports? Sigh. Chris Eddy Eric Smith wrote: > > Does anyone know if Microchip will produce a PICmicro with a USB port? > > I once asked that question, and was told by someone at the factory that > Microchip had little interest in USB because USB micros for keyboards and > mice would be a commodity and have very low profit margins. > > It seemed strange to me, since Microchip was at one time the number one > manufacturer of micros for mice (PIC1654). > > I've been looking at using the Cypress parts. They seem quite reasonable for > simple to medium complexity USB devices. > > Eric