At 09:32 PM 2/5/1998 +1100, you wrote: >Has anyone experimented with the (Honeywell) Hycal Humidity sensor eg IH >3602 - L > >I have the sensor working, but have 100mv or so of noise superimposed on >the output signal. We are building a PIC based networked temp / humidity >sensor system. > >Any guidance or good alternatives appreciated. > >Tim Modra: > >Modra Technology: >Custom Sensors and Embedded Control > > Hi Tim, Just a thought... Although you could low-pass filter the output of the sensor to reduce the noise, you can also take another approach, if your PIC is "idling around" waiting to take a reading every few seconds - or whenever. Instead of using an op-amp to implement a low pass filter before the A/D conversion, if the noise is random, you can implement a low-pass filter in software! Simply take a large number of A/D samples in a given time period (say, for the sake of arugment, in 5 seconds) and average them. If the noise is randomly distributed (in amplitude), then this will have the same effect as low-pass filtering. This works when the actual signal is a slowly varying one w.r.t time, as is the case of the humidty sensor. Another approach along the same lines: If you are using an 8 bit A/D converter, you can take 256 consecutive samples, accumulating the result in a "16 bit" register (i.e. in two single-byte registers, one for the high byte of the sum and one for the low byte of the sum). After you accumulate 256 samples, simply discard the low-byte register in the 16 bit sum. The high-byte of the 16-bit "register" will contain the averaged (i.e. low pass filetered) 8 bit A/D value. The same approach can be used to obtain 65536 averaged samples, using a "24 bit register" and so on. The upper byte of the summation will always contain the averaged 8-bit A/D value. This approach is very easy to implement in software, since division is not required, just addition! Some food for thought.... Regards, Gary Pepper e-mail: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada