They come from the stopwatch. Open the stopwatch window reset it to zero, step your program from the beginning to where you want a stimulus activated and note the cycle number. Good luck, Gene. At 02:08 AM 2/3/98 -0400, you wrote: >Hi Guys, > >I 'm using microchip's simulator (MPSIM 5.20) to test my program. For the >loading and the execution of the program, everything went alright. However, >I'm experiencing difficulty creating the stimulus file. > >I'm not too clear on how the steps in the this file are determined. For the >example (see below) given in the users manual, there is cycle 3, cycle 10, >cycle 16 etc. in the Column Headings section, corresponding with step 3, >step 4, step 9 etc. Where did these numbers come from? > >Thanks for your speedy response. > >Rawle > > >STEP RB2 RA3 RA2 RA1 RA0 !Column Headings >3 0 0 1 0 0 !stimulus before cyc1e 3 >4 1 0 1 0 1 !injected before cycle 10 >9 1 1 0 1 0 !injected before cycle 16 >10 0 1 0 1 1 !stimulus before cyc1e 3 >15 0 0 0 0 0 !injected before cycle 9 >16 1 0 0 0 1 !injected before cycle 15 > >Fig 1. Stimulus file (sample.sti) > > > > >;******************************************************************* >; SAMPLE.ASM >; 8x8 Software Multiplier >;******************************************************************* >; >; The 16 bit result is stored in 2 bytes >; >; Before calling the subroutine " mpy ", the multiplier should >; be loaded in location " mulplr ", and the multiplicand in >; " mulcnd " . The 16 bit result is stored in locations >; H_byte & L_byte. >; >; Performance : >; Program Memory : 15 locations >; # of cycles : 71 >; Scratch RAM : 0 locations >; >; This routine is optimized for code efficiency ( looped code ) >; For time efficiency code refer to "mult8x8F.asm" ( straight line code ) >;******************************************************************* >; > LIST p=16C54 ; PIC16C54 is the target processor > >mulcnd equ 09 ; 8 bit multiplicand >mulplr equ 10 ; 8 bit multiplier >H_byte equ 12 ; High byte of the 16 bit result >L_byte equ 13 ; Low byte of the 16 bit result >count equ 14 ; loop counter >portb equ 06 ; I/O register F6 >STATUS equ 03 ; STATUS register F3 >CARRY equ 0 ; Carry bit in status register >Same equ 1 ; >; >; >; ***************************** Begin Multiplier Routine >mpy_S clrf H_byte > clrf L_byte > movlw 8 > movwf count > movf mulcnd,w > bcf STATUS,CARRY ; Clear the carry bit in the status Reg. >loop rrf mulplr,Same > btfsc STATUS,CARRY > addwf H_byte,Same > rrf H_byte,Same > rrf L_byte,Same > decfsz count,Same > goto loop >; > retlw 0 >; >;******************************************************************** >; Test Program >;********************************************************************* >start clrw > option >main movf portb,w > movwf mulplr ; multiplier (in mulplr) = 05 > movf portb,w > movwf mulcnd >; >call_m call mpy_S ; The result is in locations F12 & F13 > ; H_byte & L_byte >; > goto main >; > org 01FFh > goto start >; > END > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Step RB2 RA3 RA2 RA1 RA0 !Column Headings >3 0 0 1 0 0 !stimulus before cyc1e 3 >4 1 0 1 0 1 !injected before cycle 10 >9 1 1 0 1 0 !injected before cycle 16 >10 0 1 0 1 1 !stimulus before cyc1e 3 >15 0 0 0 0 0 !injected before cycle 9 >16 1 0 0 0 1 !injected before cycle 15 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Bye, >Rawle. > > Gene Norris E. Windsor, NJ USA