On Sun, 1 Feb 1998 23:22:38 +0100 Flavio Rizzardi writes: >Hello all. > >My boss told me to build a circuit to be connected to the telephone >line; >I'm doing some preliminary research and I'd like some tips or >suggestions. >The circuit should be able to dial a phone number (DTMF or pulses), >wait >for an answer from a human operator (i.e. distinguish a voice from a >busy >line or other tones) and then recognize DTMF tones and reply with >short >pre-recorded messages (something like: "Press 1 on your telephone to >do >this, or 2 to do that"). > How about just putting a socket in for an ISA card and use a CHEAP internal data/fax/voice modem card? These include an FCC registered DAA and all the hardware you need. It seems like it'll take a fair amount of ROM to hold the digitized speech, but you can hang some external ROM on the PIC and just have the PIC read a byte, then send it to the modem card. Harold _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]