At 23:19 1998-01-31 -0500, you wrote: >From my recollection my 4th year power systems engineering course, the >reasoning for the choice of 60Hz was to minimize the losses incurred in the >transformer cores (ie: magnetic heating of the iron, etc.) Apparently >somebody did some math (and a lot of laboratory testing to demonstrate that >the losses in transformation are at a minimum at approximately 57 Hz. -snip- >Tom I believe the size and power rating of transformer, generators and motors strongly sets what frequency give best performance. Large units = low frequency. Also the materials play a great role. Higher frequency will give less losses for the end-user (smaller motors etc), while lower frequencies will give lower losses in the power plant and distribution. However what is optimum has probably changed with time, as materials and demands change. Another issue is noise. While higher frequenzy is easier to filter electrically in the aplliances, lower frequenzies make less noise for our ears. Radiation from power lines also invrease with frequency, as well as impedance! (they are a lot of miles...) An example of very large power unit operating at relatively high frequency is the 600MW generators at the double nuclear power plant Barseback near Malmo, Sweden. Each one is conneted directly to the steam turbine shaft in each plant, running at 300rpm. They are synchronous three-phase liquid cooled types. (If I remember correct, the windings are made of copper tubes in which the coolant is pumped.) The size of that 600MW generator is only about 2,5m diameter and 4m long! Another example is the 100 000 rpm class generators used in some hybrid cars, driven by combustion turbine. An exapmle of low frequency is the Swedish railroad that uses 16 2/3 Hz (if I remember correct) = 50Hz/3. There is a lot of standards, in different countries, however. As example a modern switching power supply use frequencies about 30-50kHz. Some resonant systems up to 1MHz. That makes very small transformers with very low winding losses. A 50kHz 200W push-pull transformer is about the same size as a 50Hz 3W transformer! In Sweden long before I was born we also had 127V DC, 127V AC, 220V AC and probably a lot of local variations. Lots of home appliances and radions could work on both 127V DC and 127 and 220V AC using a switch. However, I have never heard of anything else than 50Hz used on AC public power net in Sweden. For long distances high voltage DC givs the least total losses, since the power lines at DC always work at optimum, but AC has two problems: 1) high peak voltage requiring more isolation, 2) A lot of the time in each conductor the voltage is low (sinewawe) so very little power is transferred. Modern technology make AC/CD transformations more efficient. In future maybe all distance high power lines will be DC for less line losses. Then the power plant also can then vary the generator rpm to optimum at each time beeing. Already today there are large gearless flat generator wind power plants operating at always optimum rpm using AC/DC/AC converters. (the AC->DC stage is to adapt to local AC lines) I read that former ASEA (Sweden), now Brown-Boveri (Sweden+Switzerland) has developed very high power semiconductors that can operate at 700¡C (!) and very high voltage and current. /Morgan Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, Sweden, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax 70331 -