Hi all, I am using the pip02 to drive a dt001 to do my development programing and are having a few problems with 16c84's, the unit is working faultlessly with 16c74's but with the 84's it insists on setting the osc to RC regardless of what I set the fuses to. Anyone else seen this and more importantly know how to fix? I am using: PIP02 ver 1.26internal (to fix the pentium speed problem) DT001 pinapi driver is DTAIT 7407 PNP Also I have tried to use Nigel Goodwin's PICPROG but it seems to not like Pentium II as it falls over 50% of the time at startup with software errors, It used to work (with the same parallel port) on a slower motherboard. When PIPPROG does start it programs the 84's correctly but it can take a while to get it started. I am using the new versions from Nigels web page but they have the same problems. Thanks for reading regards Lee McLaren lmclaren@trump.net.au