I've been using the Dyna Art stuff with their laminator and their etching tank. It works ok most of the time; I usually do really small boards 6-10 up at at time and the yield is about 75-90% per board. I intend to go to photoetching soon- I think there will be less steps ultimately and less wasted materials & time when there are problems. Plus I can get all the expendibles at Fry's instead of ordering them from Florida. Most of the work I do is prototype quantities where i have to deliver the entire project to the client in under a week (at least that's been the case lately). The entire reason I'm even writing is to go aon record about the best etchant I've ever used: Ammonium Persulfate. It doesn't stain; it doesn't stink; it's clear, becoming bluer as it exhausts. You can see the board etch, rather than with FeCl. It comes as a white powder you mix (for my tank) 1 lb to the gallon. This typically lasts me 2 months. I think it does have less capacity than FeCl; it is harder to find (I get mine from Mouser), and it does need to be heater to 100 F or so (my tank does this with twin aquarium heaters and pumps), but if any of you out there have ever tried to completely clean up a Ferric Chloride spill, lemme tell ya, this stuff is the only way to go!
Alan McFarland's Applied Magic Custom Electronics for the Motion Picture Industry Lighting and Electronics for Models, Miniatures, Props & Sets