Charles, Is the PCB totally open to the elements, or is it just that the enclosure it is in isn't totally waterproof? For the waterproof handheld PCs I design in my present job, it's the enclosure that is totally sealed. Most military electronics I worked on in my last job had the fully populated PCBs sealed with a environmental barrier sealant called 'humiseal', and the enclosures (which aren't portable) weren't sealed totally along the underside, so that any moisture ingress dripped straight out the bottom. As for epoxying, it should work so long as the epoxy is UV resistant, and waterproof, and adheres fully to any cables coming through to the outside world. Some potting epoxies give you better heatsinking properties than unpotted boards. For my home projects, thou, I just stick it in a waterproof box with sealed connectors, or connectors shrouded on the underside if fixed in position. That way I can alter / repair the unit. (without having to dig out the epoxy first!) Steve Lawther ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Encasing Pic in Epoxy Author: PC:cjoachim@HOTMAIL.COM at INTERNET-HUSKY Date: 30/01/98 16:42 Hi Guys Just doing a little thinking here and I was wondering what my options are to protect circuitry from the elements. I was thinking of encassing the whole controller (PIC, crystal, regulator, adc, etc..) in epoxy to protect it from rain, snow, etc... I'm just curious if this would cause the components to overheat and eventually breakdown. Please, if you have experience with this sorta thing let me know what you've tried and whats been succesfull. Thank you Charles ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at