At 10:59 AM 1/30/98 +1300, Andrew Mayo wrote: >Well, essentially we're just using http as the protocol, which is just >simple ASCII, but of course an embedded Web server is expected to >support a range of communications protocols, and although simple RS-232 >is one of them, and trivial to implement, what if you want to connect >this embedded Web server onto a LAN?. I think you need more smarts than >a PIC to handle the communications. If the PIC device needs a terminal >server to get data, it ain't much of an embedded device. Would the Motorola MC68160 with a MC68360 make the nut here? This is what the TAPR group is using as the ethernet interface for their spread spectrum radio. I have no idea what these chips cost, and the 68360 seems to be a microprocessor itself, but if there was a two chip solution to this it would make a very small embedded webserver. I saw the article in the latest issue of Circuit Cellar, Inc, on this, but I couldn't find any indication of how the communications were being handled. There was also a reference in that issue to a previous issue that I don't have that discussed putting a tcp/ip stack in a PIC. That article might have had information on interfacing it. John Hansen