There are 111 messages totalling 4122 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. That old PCB etching technique 2. New PCB etching technique... (11) 3. Scenix SX ? what is it...? (3) 4. STATUS flags 5. How to set macro argument default? 6. Picklist listserver Commands[OT] 7. [OT] VERY! Please help->Visual C++ (3) 8. C compiler in java (4) 9. someone must have build a talking clock before???? (2) 10. PIC programmer from ITU and Logo Contest. 11. 16c94 as 12c509 12. Counting encoder pulses (2) 13. PIC16C71 (2) 14. pic lock-up (3) 15. quadrature encoders for telescope automation 16. Magazines and such like 17. Problems with Parallax programmer 18. IRC PIC channel 19. PIC board? (2) 20. One pin interface (5) 21. COP8 mailing list? (3) 22. Manipulating a keyboard (2) 23. Internal Oscillators 24. That old PCB etching technique. (2) 25. (OT) Laser or ???? ranging 26. Using PIC16C71 A/D (3) 27. Videobackup (5) 28. x-10 question 29. mplab question 30. I2C Read and Write a byte from EEPROM (2) 31. 16c66 emulation pod? (3) 32. off topic (3) 33. PCB techniques comparision of them 34. breathing[OT] 35. [OT] Running the Java PIC C compiler. (3) 36. [OT]who is the APC of SS PCBs? 37. LCDs and brown out 38. frequency noise ? (2) 39. [OT] Videobackup (3) 40. PIC embedded Web Server???? (9) 41. Driving LED's -- was Driving LCDs (5) 42. Buffering the pics outputs 43. ICEPIC PWM emulation 44. 16F84 at 20 Mhz? (2) 45. Driving LED's -- was Driving LCDs 46. [OT] off topic AC Power (4) 47. MPASM Error 115 ? [16C84] 48. 17C756 programmer > >Actually, the copper foil technique was developed precisely because it > >is easier than the heat transfer method, and produces vastly superior > >results. It is very dificult for most people to get consistent > >results with the TEC sheets (and similar products), and the very fact > >that the toner is transferred twice limits the minimum reliable trace > >width. This new method promises high quality prototype PCB's with a > >minimum of fuss. > > That method might be better or worse, but > I've seldom had a problem with the toner transfer film. > Ocassionally I'll screw one up, but not too often. :-) I've used Press-N-Peel Blue; someone showed me that if you just iron on the pattern, a blue stuff will often come off the sheet (and onto the PCB) where it shouldn't, but that this may be remedied by sticking clear package tape (what I call "strapping tape") onto the board and then rem- oving it. The blue stuff that isn't held onto the board by toner will come off on the tape, but the stuff with toner on it will stick to the board instead. Unfortunately, I haven't found a good way of dealing with the fact that PNP can shrink or distort slightly when heated, but that's usually not too bad a problem if the pads are drawn fairly large. I also have my electronics students dip their cleaned boards in the acid for a few seconds to roughen the surface prior to applying the toner. I also purchased a heat and pressure device from DynaArt called the super fuser which does a great job of transferring the toner to a pcb. My students enjoy a great success rate on their boards with the superfuser. DynaArt can be reached at: ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: PICLIST Digest - 28 Jan 1998 to 29 Jan 1998 Author: Non-HP-LISTSERV ( at HP-Corvallis,mimegw03 Date: 1/29/98 9:00 PM > The trick here is to polish the board as usual, but then instead of > using sandpaper to roughen the surface, dip the blank in etchant > instead. After some small percentage of the total etching time (by > trial and error), remove the board and rinse thoroughly under running > water. Dry the board with warm air (even a lint free cloth might snag > some debris in the rough surface), then transfer the toner to the > board with heat as normal (the surface will probably look terrible, > but that's the idea). After etching, remove the toner, with solvent > preferably, then use steel wool or rubbing compound to polish the > remaining copper. This is what some friends of mine used to do; I'd always thought it was simply to remove oxidation or contaminants, though if it pits the copper that might be helpful too. Tjaart van der Walt wrote: > There is plenty of skepticism around as to whether these [Scenix > SX] parts are vapourware or not. My development kit is on its way, > so I can tell you they are real. Tjaart: Until you receive it, all you can really tell us with any certainty is, "My development kit is on its way, so my development kit is on its way." > Speaking of Mchip litigation; I notice that Mchip 'settled' some > dispute over the Keeloq technology with Rohm and Excel. Does anybody > know who paid who and what it was about? The exact settlement terms weren't disclosed, but Exel (a privately-held subsidiary of Rohm) has "surrendered to Microchip any license rights that it might have had in the KEELOQ technology". In case you don't remember, both Microchip and Exel had licenses to manufacture silicon that implemented the Keeloq technology developed by Nanoteq... And Exel was first to market, in late 1995. Microchip bought Nanoteq shortly thereafter, and almost immediately sued Exel (in mid-March 1996) for trademark and copyright infringement and misappropriation of trade secrets. Microchip also sought a preliminary injunction against Exel, but withdrew it after Exel stopped using the "Keeloq" trademark and began using "SureLok" instead. In the two years since the suit was filed, Microchip's Keeloq sales volume has soared while Exel has been more-or-less sucking wind. Personally, I don't think Exel lost much by settling the suit, and I don't think it'll have much effect on Microchip, either. -Andy === Andrew Warren - === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === Keith Burzinski wrote: > I am using 'subwf' on a 16C54 to compare two bytes, and I saw in the > programmers manual how the Carry flag is set... the Zero flag is > still set according to the result, correct? Correct, Keith. > Really, I'm doing a greater than/less than/equal to thing, so, > first I should check the Z flag to see if the result was zero, if > it was, I'll branch, if not, then test the C flag and go from > there, right? Actually, it'll be faster to check the C flag first, then only check the Z flag if the C flag was set... That way, you only check one flag when the result is negative (a much more-likely occurence than a "0" result). > So, when using 'subwf': > If (f) - (W) is positive, > (f) > (W) / Z = 0, C = 1. > If (f) - (W) is zero, > (f) = (W) / Z = 1, C = 1. > If (f) - (W) is negative, > (f) < (W) / Z = 0, C = 0. > > Is everything I said about the flags correct? Yes, if you treat the contents of "f" and "w" as unsigned (i.e., non-negative) numbers. -Andy === Andrew Warren - === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === Andrew Warren wrote: > Until you receive it, all you can really tell us with any > certainty is, "My development kit is on its way, so my > development kit is on its way." True. > > Speaking of Mchip litigation; I notice that Mchip 'settled' some > > dispute over the Keeloq technology with Rohm and Excel. Does anybody > > know who paid who and what it was about? > > The exact settlement terms weren't disclosed, but Exel (a > privately-held subsidiary of Rohm) has "surrendered to Microchip > any license rights that it might have had in the KEELOQ > technology". > > In case you don't remember, both Microchip and Exel had licenses > to manufacture silicon that implemented the Keeloq technology > developed by Nanoteq... And Exel was first to market, in late > 1995. Did Mchip pay Exel to give up the license, or did they simply force them? > > Microchip bought Nanoteq shortly thereafter, and almost Whoa! Nanoteq wasn't bought by Microchip! The last time I looked, it was still right here in South Africa. I suppose Mchip bought the rights? > immediately sued Exel (in mid-March 1996) for trademark and > copyright infringement and misappropriation of trade secrets. > Microchip also sought a preliminary injunction against Exel, but > withdrew it after Exel stopped using the "Keeloq" trademark and > began using "SureLok" instead. > > In the two years since the suit was filed, Microchip's Keeloq > sales volume has soared while Exel has been more-or-less sucking > wind. Personally, I don't think Exel lost much by settling the > suit, and I don't think it'll have much effect on Microchip, > either. I read that they (Exel) said they they were getting out of that line anyway (yeah, sure). Thanks for the info. -- Friendly Regards Tjaart van der Walt _____________________________________________________________ | WASP International | | R&D Engineer : GSM peripheral services development | | Vehicle tracking | Telemetry systems | GSM data transfer | | Voice : +27-(0)11-622-8686 | Fax : +27-(0)11-622-8973 | | WGS-84 : 26¡10.52'S 28¡06.19'E | |_____________________________________________________________| Hi, > Like if I create > macro PRINT character,iterations > default iterations=1 <- How to make this? > > endm > > So if i call it using > PRINT 'A',3 ; it will print "AAA" > PRINT 'A' ; it will print "A" > > Is it possible to make the assembler compile without all arguments are > defined, and let the macro detect and act on missing arguments? Like this: > (Following macro loads a literal to W and optionally stores it in one or > two registers) > LL macro literal,r1,r2 ;macro name L_oad L_iteral > movlw literal > if not defined r1 exitm <- How to make this? > movwf r1 > if not defined r1 exitm <- How to make this? > movwf r2 > endm > > Invocations: > LL ff,ADTMRL,ADTMRH ;sets PIC14000 A/D timer to max. > LL 0F,PORTA ;sets PORTS... > LL 24,PORTB ; > LL e0 ;=movlw e0 > I think this will work: LL macro literal,r1,r2 movlw literal ifdef r1 movwf r1 ;Do only if r1 is defined endif ifdef r2 movwf r2 ;Do only if r2 is defined endif endm Invocations: LL 0fh, PORTA, or LL 10,, You need to specify three parameters, always. Even if they are empty - hence the commas. Your furst example might be done like this: macro PRINT character,iterations ifndef iterations iterations=1 endif endm Calling: PRINT 'A',3 ; it will print "AAA" PRINT 'A', ; it will print "A" Hope this helps! Niki the command is"SIGNOFF PICLIST" ---------- > From: Peter Baines > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Picklist listserver Commands[OT] > Date: Wednesday, January 28, 1998 9:40 PM > > Flame Shields Up > > Sorry about this post folks. I am going on holidays for a few weeks and > need to know how to suspend my membership of the list until I get back. > > > Flame Shields Down > > > Peter. > > ==================================== > Remember .... Every Silver Lining > Has It's Cloud > ==================================== > Sorry to increase the noise ratio but I need some info that maybe someone can help me with. Does anyone know of an FAQ or mailing list where I can get some help/advice on serial communication coding with Visual C++ v5 on Win95. (C/C++ is very new to me). I'm writing a DLL for serial comms that works perfectly in the lab but bombs out in the field and I'm at the point of ripping my hair out!( YES I have modelled the lab side properly ) Thanks Jacques Vrey Iscor Steel Profile Products Internal Post Point 74 PO Box 2 Newcastle 2940 South Africa Tel: +27 (0)3431 48759 Fax: +27 (0)3431 48001 The views expressed above are not necessarily those of Iscor Limited. I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand. (Chinese Proverb)