Hello All, Can someone point out why the Listserv for this group will not respond to my request to INDEX PICLIST. I am sending the request to LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU with the subject INDEX PICLIST and also with INDEX PICLIST as the sole wording in the message body (I am using all caps). I have re-read the initial subscription document quite a few times (contains the instructions on getting an index) and darned if I can see what I'm doing wrong. When I send the request the Listserv responds with an error message. I have rechecked the e-mail that I initially sent to subscribe to this group and I see nothing in comparison to indicate the error of my ways. If it matters, I use Netscape 3.0 for e-mail. I usually like to hold back, watch, listen, read the FAQ's and get up to speed some before posting my first message in a new group. It's a damn shame that I have to go and ruin my good name right out of the bag like this ( that newbie stamp stays with you for years ). So please point out the obvious - but be gentle with me... ( Sorry for posting this to the whole group, but I haven't seen any info indicating who the "big dog" is.) Bill Rhoads wrhoads@earthlink.net