> Our system of 60 HZ line frequency may be based on a continuation >of the concept of time with 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, >and 60 cycles per second. It makes as much sense or as little sense as >anything else. As far as I know it was D.C. at first (Edison), and then Tesla had a lot to do (and George Westinghouse I think) with showing that A.C. was better because it could be transformed into high voltage/low current for lower losses and farther distances. In Ontario, Canada, the A.C. started out at 25 Hz, I believe. In the 50's the electric utilities paid for new motors (or to have them rewound) and transformers to do the big switch over to 60Hz. I didn't look this up just now, so I could be wrong about it. Ed Koffeman. Kinetra Brushless motor controls for R/C