> I suggest using two PCs... the one you have (if it aint broke, don't fix > it!) and another to handle the CCD... a PC will have its hands full with the > CCD alone. That was the point. Up until now, it didn't need any PCs. Low power and low cost were the objective so the observatory could be solar/wind powered. The whole thing (obs, scope, measurement, email) is done by a single 8 bit micro and it's still got plenty of processing up its sleeve. Adding CCD functions still wouldn't overload it. It's simply the huge gob of data and where to put it. Measuring star X with a PMT needs 64 bytes per item (with sky, comparison, ref, etc). The same thing with a CCD needs 500k. Add to that the power consumption of the Peltier device and both objectives go out the window. But you do get pretty pictures. :-) Steve.